About the Monica Burguera Foundation

(MBF)The Monica Burguera Foundation was created in memory of Monica Burguera, a 20-year-old Florida International University student who died in a tragic boating accident during the 2006 Columbus Day Regatta weekend festivities in Miami, Florida. The accident took the lives of Mónica and James Noel Pou and left many others seriously injured. After this fatal accident, Mónica’s family and close friends realized the importance of boat safety education.
Due to the lack of awareness, they started working towards building consciousness of the dangers that exist while boating. Since the boat accident, some of the survivors, together with friends and relatives, have returned to the regatta site, but with a different purpose; to promote safety. Mr. and Mrs. Burguera decided to register the non-profit organization in theirs daughters name, the Mónica Burguera Foundation.
MBF, in conjunction with the United States Coast Guard Auxiliary, offers FREE boating safety classes as a public service for the local community. Since September 2010, more than 3,774. students have successfully completed the program and been awarded the USCG Auxiliary Certificate of Accomplishment and a Florida Boating Safety Identification card, which is required to operate a boat for people born on or after January 1, 1988.
The MBF is committed to saving lives and making our waters safer for all by promoting watercraft safety and boater education. Through a combination of community education, outreach and events, MBF works to create boating safety awareness as well as to prevent boating accidents.
We would like to invite you to join us in spreading the word about safer boating. Safer Boating, It starts with you.